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IndieRetroNews (Webseite)

Game announcement: Video about "Dungeonette - The New Adventure"
Adrian Cummings (Mutation Software) has published a short video at the title link on the current state of development of his game "Dungeonette - The New Adventure", which is announced to be released at the end of the year for AGA Amigas including the Amiga CD³².

In a forum the author explained: "It will run on stock Amiga AGA and CD³² with 2 MB Chip-RAM and of course [on THEA500 Mini] etc. It is a hybrid of many games in reality and has some roots in Diablo for sure but also many others as a hack & slash dungeon crawler. Just for the record... Originally the basic game was written for Apple Watch many years back and then also a version was released for Spectrum Next back in 2017/18. This version is all new just for Amiga however and only resembles those previous titles in name only." (snx)

[News message: 04. Aug. 2024, 07:57] [Comments: 0]
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