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MorphZone (Forum)

MorphOS: Version management "Git Desktop" V0.16.29
Rafał Zabdyr has released another beta version of his graphical user interface for the version management Git for MorphOS ( reported). "Git Desktop" is written in C++ and based on MUI through his C++ wrapper. MorphOS 3.x and the Git component of the SDK are required.

The new version includes the following changes:
  • added option 'copy file name' in file context menus
  • configuration for diff colors
  • configurable 'lines of context' for diff
  • added 'What is New' window
  • added Shell tab
  • added application icon
  • now Git Desktop can be run from icon
  • configuration of commits history date format
  • added option to save output log to file
  • updated appearance of History list
  • updated branch list, now shows also remote branches
  • enhanced branch deletion
  • enhanced branch switching
  • enhanced local repository handling
  • many other improvements
  • many bug fixes
The developer has also published tutorials for this project on YouTube. (dr)

[News message: 22. Jul. 2024, 21:28] [Comments: 0]
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