Accelerator board projekt: Revision 0.8 of Buffee boards
The turbo card project "Buffee" (amiga-news.de reported) has been rather quiet lately. Now Renee Cousins, one of the two developers of the project, is back with a new blog entry.
They can now devote themselves full-time to development again as they have been made redundant. They are now very close to getting the board up and running, as the chip RAM can also be read 100%. Admittedly with "cheating", but it would work. In addition, revision V0.8 had passed the smoke test, which means that it could also become the final one.
Once chip RAM and interrupts were running, the whole thing would be run through an emulator to see if the board would boot. (dr)
[News message: 22. Jul. 2024, 13:27] [Comments: 0]
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