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Arcade Attack: interview with Barry Leitch about Lotus 2
Barry Leitch is one of the world's longest-serving composers of video game music and has provided soundtracks and effects for a large number of games during his career. His best-known works include the classic racing games Lotus Turbo Esprit Challenge and Super Cars 2 for the Amiga and Horizon Chase 1 and 2, a recent retro-style racing game series for Playstation, Xbox, Switch and iPhone.

The Arcade Attack podcast previously published an interview (in English) with the musician in 2019 about his work on the classic Lotus 2 and has now republished it on YouTube with a playthrough of some Lotus 2 racetracks to accompany the talk. Barry provides exciting insights into his creative work and the process of developing his soundtracks. (nba)

[News message: 17. Jul. 2024, 19:27] [Comments: 0]
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