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Demoscene: TRISTAR + TSA and DevLab-TSA makerspace archive has been launched
The members of the former demoscene group ‘TRISTAR’ have put an archive online that contains extensive material from the period 1987 to 2012, including demos (for C64, PC and Amiga), music and graphics documenting the creative history of the group. Also of historical interest are the collections of photos and videos of scene parties and reports as well as scroll texts from Tristar productions. Those interested can also find the productions of the following art group The Solaris Agency (T.S.A) under this link.

In addition, content from the joint makerspace ‘DevLab T.S.A’ is now available. This offers a platform for creative minds to realise their projects in a collaborative environment. Since 2021, the makerspace has been open to interested visitors on certain days to provide an insight into the ongoing projects and working methods. Further information and visiting times can be found on the subsite of DevLab T.S.A.. (nba)

[News message: 16. Jul. 2024, 00:14] [Comments: 0]
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