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A-EON announces new version of Personal Paint for A600GS
Press rekease: Cardiff, 27 April 2024

A-EON Technology Ltd is pleased to announce further development of Personal Paint. Latest version 7.4 will be pre-installed on the forthcoming A600GS Computer.
A-EON Technology purchased rights to Personal Paint from Cloanto in 2014 ( reported) which has led to notable development over the last decade for both Classic Amiga systems and Next Generation systems.

Personal Paint has a rich record of being bundled with home computers over the years. In 1996 PPaint 6.4 was part of the Escom's Amiga 1200 Magic Pack. Even more recently in 2016, PPaint 7.3 was bundled with A-EON's powerful X5000 computer system. In 2024 the tradition continues with a new version 7.4 being pre-installed on the forthcoming A600GS.

A-EON's latest update to this famous paint package accelerates 1080P and larger high resolution screens. 1080P is the resolution that most HDMI televisions operate at and the default screen mode of the A600GS. The drawing tools at this resolution would ordinarily be very slow. However they have now been significantly accelerated by using ARM native code.

The latest Personal Paint 7.4 from A-EON is ready-to-run on the A600GS and will bring a nostalgic paint package experience to modern 1080P televisions.

Matthew Leaman, MD of A-EON remarked: "Personal Paint originated on Classic Amiga systems which are these days becoming rarer, more expensive and requiring on going maintenance. This fact alone does not help to expand the future use of Personal Paint outside the Amiga community. As one of A-EON most important applications, Personal Paint can now have a new lease of life on low cost ARM hardware platform such as the A600GS. We are excited by the development possibilities that this provides for this famous application. We hope we can reach a wider audience, expanding the user base and ensure the application's longevity for many years to come."

Trevor Dickinson, A-EON’s co-founder added: "Personal Paint became the leading easy-to-use Amiga program for bitmapped graphics and animation and was one of the first to support AGA and RTG. We developed updated versions for both 68K and PowerPC, and it's great to see the ARM accelerated version joining the family."

Personal Paint 7.4 will be launched in Q2/2024 on the A600GS computer system. (dr)

[News message: 27. Apr. 2024, 18:50] [Comments: 1 - 27. Apr. 2024, 20:57]
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