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Shoot'em Up: BreakThru V1.0
Since the beginning of last year, 'acidbottle' has been working on the Amiga conversion of the horizontal shoot'em up Breakthru, which was originally published by Data East in 1986: the player controls an armed military vehicle and must make his way through enemy forces - consisting of soldiers, flamethrowers, helicopters, tanks, jeeps etc. - to ultimately retrieve a stolen fighter plane. - The player must make his way through enemy forces - consisting of soldiers, flamethrowers, tanks, jeeps, etc. - to ultimately retrieve a stolen fighter plane (YouTube video).

He has now released version 1.0, which requires a 2-button controller and an Amiga with at least 1MB chip RAM, 1MB additional RAM and a CPU with 14MHz or better. A hard disc is also recommended. (dr)

[News message: 01. Feb. 2024, 18:52] [Comments: 0]
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