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Preview video: Amiga port of Breakthru
After the release of the Wonderboy port ( reported), 'acidbottle' now turns its attention to the next Amiga port of a game: Breakthru was released in 1986 by Data East and is a horizontal shoot'em up in which the player controls an armed military vehicle, making his way through enemy forces - consisting of soldiers, flamethrowers, helicopters, tanks, jeeps etc. - to ultimately recover a stolen fighter plane. - to ultimately recover a stolen fighter plane.

The Amiga port will be available for OCS/ECS and AGA Amigas. Area 1 is almost finished, Area 2 and 3 are currently in progress. As the developer writes, "a couple of in game mechanics need refining and plenty bugs to iron out but is essentially fully functioning and playable." (dr)

[News message: 05. Apr. 2023, 19:17] [Comments: 0]
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