Kevin Saunders
Contest: Amiga Art Contest 2022
The "Amiga Art Contest 2022" (video) is organized by the Youtuber channel 10 Minute Amiga Retrocast and the graphics artist Kevin Saunders. Participants can submit their works in the categories of "Hand-drawn Artwork", "Digital Photography", "3D/Ray Tracing", "MOD/Music" and "Animation" (submissions of the previous years 2019, 2020 and 2021).
Only works created or (in the case of digital photographs) edited on an Amiga (real or emulated) are eligible. Deadline for entries is October 11, winners will be announced in an episode of the Youtube show "10 Minute Amiga Retrocast". (dr)
[News message: 09. Jun. 2022, 05:28] [Comments: 0]
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