AmigaOS 4: Spreadsheet ignition 1.20, update of OpenDocument plugins
Achim Pankalla has released version 1.20 of the spreadsheet ignition which at least requires AmigaOS 4.1 update 6. Many bugs and problems have been solved and some minor new functions added. For example:
- Zoomen with ctrl and mousewheel
- Old column/row title will be displayed if they are not standard
- 22 new functions
- correct/update some functions
- correct some error
- turbocalc add-on extend and corrected
- some changes in the manual
The ods-addon was reworked as well. The addon allows loading and saving tables in OpenDocument format, which is used in LibreOffice/OpenOffice Calc among others.
Changes in ign-ods-addon 0.35:
- add new functions og ignition
- correct the problem, which appears after save a ods-file
Achim Pankalla thanks all testers, bug reporters, translators and supporters. He welcomes any feedback via email, and also refers to the official ignition support forum at os4welt.de for further information and discussion. (dr)
[News message: 08. Jun. 2022, 17:41] [Comments: 0]
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