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Diskmag: Jurassic Pack #19, last issue for now
After a 12-year break, the 18th issue of the English-language diskmag 'Jurassic Pack', first published in 1995, was released in January 2021 ( reported). Editor Lars 'Ghandy' Sobiraj has now published the 19th issue and announces in the editorial that this might be the last one for good.

They would have spent more time chasing people and their promises in the last few weeks than getting creative themselves. This included two intros, several interviews, promised support in the form of articles and much more. And if there is no response even to multiple requests, he can only understand that as disinterest. He laments not only the waste of time, but also the demoralizing effect. In addition, the three-person editorial team would crumble apart peu ā peu. Likewise, he would not have expected the ever dwindling interest in Diskmags at the time of the relaunch. The fact is, however, that in contrast to 20 years ago, many people nowadays get their information from forums or podcasts. That's why they're now taking a break and we'll see if the joy and desire returns. The content of the 19th issue:
  • three background songs
  • Report on 'Deadline 2021 Party'
  • Report on 'Polish Summer 2021 Party'
  • Interview with the organizer of 'The Party'
  • Introduction of musicdisk Cheesy Listening
  • Interview with Jochen 'Virgill' Feldkötter (Amiga musician, programmer of scene intros for Windows, developer of demo tools like 'AmigaKlang'
  • Interview with group 'Abyss' (demos, demo tools, games, e.g. Wong Way Driver)
  • Interview with demo groups 'The Union' and 'Overlanders', creators of the demo 'FirST Love' (AtariST)
  • Article on "Proper productions releases management"
  • Interview with programmer 'Sim' about the Amiga demo 'Voyage', created by 'Razor 1911'
  • Introduction of eleven everlasting music productions
  • Report on the local demo scene in south Denmark
  • Interview with the demo musician Peter 'Mr. Pet' Cukierski
  • Interview with the British Amiga programmer 'Galahad' (Fairlight, Scoopex)
  • Interview with Fredrik 'Gnilk' Kling, member of the demo group 'Noice'
  • Article: "Why diskmags have totally gone out of fashion"
  • Article: "Groups are redunant anno domini 2022"
  • Artikel: "Are really all maineditors loudmouths?"
  • Article: "This is why Sceners keep the Scene spirit alive"
  • Article: "How the upgrading madness (nearly) killed the Scene"
  • Article: "'Sofasceners'- Scening from home"
  • Prologue

[News message: 08. Apr. 2022, 05:43] [Comments: 0]
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