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07.Apr.2022 (Webseite)

Amiga Games, Inc. sells Amiga NFTs to fund blockchain development
"Amiga Games, Inc." (AGI) was a spin-off of Amiga, Inc. founded by Bill McEwen in 2013 to continue the last remaining line of business: selling (emulated) Amiga game classics for mobile platforms. AGI was taken over by the Writers Group almost immediately after it was founded - whose shares were already available on the stock exchange for a few hundredths of a cent at that time.

Although there was initially talk of hundreds of Amiga titles that were to be brought to various mobile platforms - the range of around a dozen titles and the Blackberry as the only supported platform never changed. Almost two years later, the offer had to be completely discontinued as the license received from the new owner of the Amiga rights expired at the end of March 2015.

AGI's official website has never featured much more than an animated boingball in all these years (Web Archive), but at the end of March, was completely overhauled: There is talk of a "relaunch", the "resurrection of old games" and the "ultimate mobile platform for playing your favorite retro games". Interested parties can invest in this project in advance in order to have a "say" in the development of the platform and the selection of titles.

This investment is made by purchasing so-called NFTs. The tokens offered by AGI are graphics related to games such as Dune or Rocket Ranger, which are available at a unit price of USD 250. The income generated in this way will be used to finance the development of the "Retro Infinity Player" - i.e. the software engine with which AGI intends to bring retro classics to various modern platforms. The only information about the Retro Player that can be found on the website is the statement that it is "Blockchain based" und already in development.

There is no imprint to be found on the site, and according to the Terms & Conditions, which are over 60 pages long on our computer, is an offer from Active World Club. The latter's website does not contain any content either and just announces an imminent "Reboot". According to the company's own Twitter channel, the cryptocurrency "Active World Rewards Token" (AWRT) currently appears to be AWC's main area of business.

Editor's note: "Blockchain", "NFT" and "cryptocurrency" are the very buzzwords that have been used for several years now in a constant attempt to entice investors and private investors to make speculative purchases. That someone at Amiga Games Inc. is really working on the development of a retro player can probably be ruled out - quite apart from the fact that an allegedly "blockchain-based" retro player makes no sense whatsoever. (cg) (Translation: cg)

[News message: 07. Apr. 2022, 16:33] [Comments: 0]
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