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ADF support for AmigaOS 1.3: DiskMimic
Chris Brenner writes: "This software was created to fill in a missing feature of OS 1.3: the ability to mount ADF images. It allows you to directly read and write ADF images stored on your hard drive. Although it was intended to work with ADF images, there is no reason why this software shouldn't work with other types of disk images as well, as long as you have a suitable file system and enough space on your hard drive.

The main idea behind this software is to create soft drives that work just like any other Amiga drive that supports removable media. The drive is mounted, usually at startup, and then disk images can be inserted and ejected as if they were real physical disks. Up to thirty-two drives are supported."

System requirements:
  • Amiga with OS 1.3
  • reqtools.library 37.600 (attached)
  • den.font 6 point (attached)
  • Hard disk or other form of mass storage
The Amiga user 'intric8' has published a detailed and illustrated report including a video for the Amiga site 'AmigaLove'. Among other things he specifies that the diskmimic.device supports up to 32 drives, but the Disk Mimic GUI can handle "only" 8. (dr) (Translation: bb)

[News message: 10. Jul. 2021, 09:54] [Comments: 0]
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