Amiga.org (Forum)
Personal Paint: Update to version 7.3c for registered customers (Update)
For registered customers of version 7.3 of the 8-bit paint program Personal Paint, originally developed by Cloanto, A-EON Technology will release a free update named PPaint 7.3c for AmigaOS 3.x and AmigaOS 4 soon, written by Andy Broad.
- Add polygon mode to grab brush tool
- Update Itialian translation (contributed Luca Longone)
- Fix long filename support
- Fix buffer overflows in brush scaling
- Fix buffer overflows in brush shearing
- Extend internal brush structure to include shear status values so that when shearing brush twice in a row is starts from the current sheared state and not the original brush state
- Fix incorrect calculation of visble files in builtin requester resulting in an occasional corrupt looking filename at end of file list. (personal_req.library 1.6)
Update: (21:45, 12.02.19, snx)
As AmigaKit clarified meanwhile, the release of PPaint 7.3c is not imminent since the update is still being betatested for now. (snx) (Translation: dr)
[News message: 10. Feb. 2019, 08:46] [Comments: 0]
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