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09.Jul.2007 (ANF)

MorphOS: BurnIT 3.0 defered (Update)
Manyfestly is the CD- and DVD-Brunprogramm BurnIt 3.0, where we reported about the pretended released, is not available.

In acc. which customers how order this product, payed Vesalia the transfered money back, because the release date is not specificated. Up to now acc. withunconfirmed details are differences between the developer and the publisher of BurnIt the reason.

Update: (09.07.2007, 15:00, cg)

Michael Garlich from the Publisher Titan notify, that there are no differences bewteen Titan and the BurnIt-Maindeveloper Michael Siegel. Mr. Siegel stoppt the release of BurnIT, because the momentary status of the software is not stabil. But the release is only stoppt for a unkonwn time. (cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 09. Jul. 2007, 03:26] [Comments: 0]
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