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Codex Alpe Adria: News from SAM440 and FireFox "Varthall" reports from the italian Codex Alpe Adria, which was last weekend in Udine, the last news about the ACubes PPC-Motherboard Sam440.

There have organisation problems, so the have changed into a coach and can't show the hardware live. Shown are the revision B of the Motherboards, next week the will be finished the revision C, which will be followed by the final trading version.

The sale to the end customer will start at the end of september, on the at this time happen "Pianeta Amiga" is the SAM440 likley available, estimated with 512 MB onboard-RAM. As Firmware works UBoot 1.2.0, which was added with a OpenFirmware-Interface, to work with the most LinuxPPC-Distributionen.

AmigaOS 4 is the reason why they started with the development of the SAM440. But due to the desput and also there is no end of this problem in sight, they provide the board with a Crux Linux. And planed are also changes to use FreeBSD and AROS, also they talk with the MorphOS-developers. The official housing for SAM440 is the Nexus Psile.

A Groupe of 25 programmers are work under the name "Phönix Projekt" on several projects for AmigaOS 4. Beside a graphical user interface for the Bittorrent-clienten Transmission is the port of known web browsers FireFox for the X11-enviroment Cygnix to notify, also a port of remakes of classic Amiga-games for AmigaOS 4 is a target of the team. (cg) (Translation: aj)

[News message: 09. Jul. 2007, 03:00] [Comments: 0]
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