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Janet Spacey PR

Commodore announces new computers (update)
At theCeBIT 2007 Commodore Gaming announces a new dimension of gaming PCs "with the highest today available technical gaming specifications". This will initialize the come back of the legend brand Commodore to the world of hardware for computer and console games.

Bala Keilman, CEO at Commodore Gaming, says: "25 years ago Commodore brought the C64 to the market, the world's most sold computer of teh late 20th century, and defined the fun of computr gaming for millions of people worldwide. Now we are proud and eager to bring back Commodore to the gaming community and to take another important step of history for that brand. We are sure to fullfill all demands to warranty an extraordinary gaming experience."

The new line of game optimized PCs will eb presented to the public at the CeBIT 2007 Hanover on march the 15th in Hannover. Everyone there will have the opportunity to test the maschines with the latest games and get convinced by the famous features of these high performance maschines.

Commodore Gaming will accompany the market introduction with several more press releases March the 15 and promises the unveilling of some exciting details.

Visit Commodore Gaming at the CeBIT 2007 in Halle 21, booth D08. (nba) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 07. Mar. 2007, 15:19] [Comments: 0]
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