Mario Misic (ANF)
Hardware encyclopedia: BBoAH with new license
Mario Misic writes: After the official hand over of the BBoAH from Ian Chapman to Mario Misic together with the AmigaFuture, Mario Misic decided to put the entire data of the "Big Book of Amiga Hardware" under the license of the "Creative Commons License" immediately and under exclusion of any commercial usage.
This license has been chosen to exclude any commercial usage of the BBoAH material by third parties and to account for the participation of volunteers and to ensure the continuation of the BBoAH's in its known kind.
The Amiga Future as well as ACP&TCP are currently holding the only written permission to license the BBoAH content commercially. For non commercial usage the entire BBoH data material is available according to the chosen CC licenseg which is available at the BBoAH website in 34 different translations.
All breaches of the CC license will be avenged when the required souce citation is not given properly now, this is especially important for ebay auctions. The change of the license mas made only to ensure the continuation of the "Big Book of Amiga Hardware" in its known kind.
We thank all users for the attention and understanding and are looking forward to a promising BBoH future. (cg) (Translation: ub)
[News message: 07. Mar. 2007, 15:14] [Comments: 0]
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