ANN (website)
Integrated Development Environment: Cubic IDE 1.3
Dietmar Eilerts integrated development environment Cubic IDE (previously GoldED) is available as version 1.3 from today.
As new features are included a C/C++-package (released as a beta version before) which integrates the latest versions of the vbcc cross-compilers, the MorphOS-SDKs and AmigaOS 4-SDKs as well as an optional "Single document interface" mode for the editor. If this one is activated, all texts are opened in one single window.
Update: (07:32, 08.07.06, snx)
Meanwhile, Cubic 1.3.1 is available. New are an Upfront Buffer History (remembering the sequence of visited tabs) and the adaptation of the Mouse Wheel support to AmigaOS 4. (snx) (Translation: tz)
[News message: 06. Jul. 2006, 12:22] [Comments: 0]
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