Ventzislav Tzvetkov (ANF)
AmigaOS 4: SimCoupe 1.01
The porting of the SDL based emulator SimCoupe by Ventzilav 'drHirudo' Tzvetkov has been available since today in version 1.01. Among other innovations joysticks are being supported now.
SimCoupe emulates the "SAM Coupé" - a Z80 based 8 bit home computer, which was built in 1989 by Miles Gordon Technology. Although this computer had, compared with other 8 bit computers of that time, relatively advanced features, it was never very successful, as the 16 bit computers (Amiga, Atari, Macintosh and PC) had already been standard. Nevertheless some software titles for this computer were published, which demonstrate the advantages of its sound and graphic abilities.
The innovations in detail:
- Joystick support (via AmigaInput)
- Better Pro-Dos boot handling
- New indicators to show the extra LMPR bits: ROM0, ROM1 and WPROT in the Debug Window
- Enhanced HDF file handling to accept v1.1 images with a large identity structure
- Improved ATA hard disk emulation
- Misc sourcecode improvements and bugfixes
- Removed unnecessary for the AmigaOS compile files from the archive, thus smaller overall size
Download: SimCoupe.lha (895 KB) (snx) (Translation: iw)
[News message: 04. Jul. 2006, 20:23] [Comments: 0]
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