Amiga-Magazin merges with the AMIGAplus
Subscribers of the AMIGAplus will receive the "Amiga-Magazin mit AMIGAplus", the Amiga-CD and additionally to that the a free copy of the PCgo CD by mail during the next days..
The publisher falkemedia was not able to ensure a longer independent future of the AMIGAplus as a stand alone magazine, but this merge teh readers benefit in several ways:
Beside high quality Amiga articles, which are still supported by the AMIGAplus editors, teh subscribers also receive a first class
computer magazine which supplies important tests, basic articles and high quality
software CDs - valuables, precious for both, Amiga and PC users.
Not without any reason the WEKA computer magazine publishing house supports the
Amiga-Magazin since 1987 and still delivers this magazine combination to thousands of Amiga fans.
Was a subscription for the AMIGAplus (with two monthly CD) alone 81,30 Euro each year, the fee for the "Amiga-Magazin mit AMIGAplus", a high qualitly two monthly Amiga software CD as well as 12 issues of the PCgo (including
cover CD) a year is now reduced to 54,90 Euro a year.
By this merge of the both magazines the number of readers could be increased to a volume which ensures the publication throughout the next years -
the 20 year anniversary of the Amiga-Magazin will not be missed by the publishers!
Already paid ammounts will fully counted to the subscription.
For questions regarding the subscription or the content of the "Amiga-Magazins mit AMIGAplus" please contact the publisher or the editors at the WEKA.
The contact data is available at the masthead inside the magazine or
The team of the AMIGAplus supports the editors of the Amiga
Magazins and continues with the competent news team to deliver latest news to the Amiga-Community at www.amiga-news.de/en. (nba) (Translation: ub)
[News message: 21. Jun. 2005, 19:16] [Comments: 0]
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