Risc OS: Firefox port released
Risc OS teh operating system which was formerly delivered with Acorn's Archimedes RiscPC homecomputers and is - just like the AmigaOS and alikes - on it's long and stoney way to a new hardware.
Risc OS suffered to a problem which should be well knwon to all Amiga folks: Decent websites were only limited usable with the available browsers (at least six deiffernt ones!) due to lack of proper Javascript or CSS support.
Since yesterday Risc OS users may use a beta version of Firefox. In a recent thread at amigaworld.net the author Peter "chocky" Naulls describes some of the occuring problems and tehir solution while doing the port. (cg) (Translation: ub)
[News message: 21. Jun. 2005, 15:24] [Comments: 0]
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