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Vinnny (ANF)

MorphOS: Updates of Devedie, MPlayer, MEncoder, Bochs, Help and MOS-Tools

Devedie 1.1.0

Team AmiRUS has published a new version of Devedie for MorphOS. This is now a nearly complete graphical user-interface for MPlayer. The program requires the following special versions of MPlayer and (optional) MEncoder.

Download: devedie_1.1.0.lha (236 KB)

MPlayer & MEncoder 0.91

Fabien Coeurjoly added an ARexx support to the version 0.91 of the video play program MPlayer and to the video editing programm MEncoder.

mplayer_0.91.lha (1.5 MB)
mencoder_0.91.lha (1.5 MB)

Bochs 2.1.1

The x86-PC-Emulator Bochs is now available in the current version 2.1.1 for MorphOS.

Download: bochs_2.1.1_mos.lzx (629 KB)

Help 0.92

The help progrmm for the MorphOS-Shell written by Nicolas Ramz which delivers information to over 100 commands as well as arguments and examples is now available in version 0.92.

The Memtest- and missing ARexx-commands have been added. Additionally the description of the Alias-commands has been completed and some orthography errors fixed.

Download: Help_v09.lha (119 KB)


In the MOS-tools for the Shell are collected the is_shift & is_alt as well as randbootpic. The first ones wait for the String- or Alt-key and give back WARN (otherwise 0).

The command randbootpic copies a random file from a chosen directory as cgxbootpic.library to the directory MOSSYS:libs/cgxbootpic.library to change the bootpic.

Download: MOS_Tools.lha (93 KB) (snx) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 11. Feb. 2005, 20:57] [Comments: 0]
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