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IRC-Client: WookieChat 1.4 (Beta)
WookieChat is a MUI-based IRC-client for AmigaOS 3/4 (screenshot). In version 1.4 "DCC GET" as well as the support for colourful texts have been added.

According to the author the colour support does not still work perfectly: Iconifying or starting the MUI-Prefs may cause colour bugs if the program uses a seperate screen. This can be undone by entering "/a".

The 68k-version becomes instable after some server connections because the string which contains the nickname is overwritten in the memory. The author is grateful for some feedback.

Download: WookieChat1.4beta.lha (1.3MB) (cg) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 11. Feb. 2005, 20:11] [Comments: 0]
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