MorphOS: Ambient update to version 1.41 (Update)
David Gerber provides an update of his meanwhile put under GPL desktop Ambient as source code archive.
The version 1.41 can be compiled and run with a MorphOS 1.4 system and its according SDK, it does not require MorphOS 1.5. The author thanks all those who contributed via Paypal to support the development.
Update: (10:41, 09.02.05, snx)
Lukas Stehlik did a first screenshot of the running system at a user's machine.
Update 2: (13:34, 09.02.05, snx)
Ingo Schmitz was that kind to provide the compiled binary for download: Ambient1.41.lha. (snx) (Translation: ub)
[News message: 09. Feb. 2005, 08:12] [Comments: 0]
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