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09.Feb.2005 (website)

OnyxSoft: Updates of DECH, EasyHex and MPlayer-GUI

DECH V1.45
The E compiler handler by Daniel Westerberg requires Kickstart 2.04 or higher (screenshot). The latest version includes some bug fixes and improvements to better the cooperation with C compilers, make and their output.

EasyHex V1.1
EasyHex by Daniel Westerberg runs from Kickstart 1.x and returns the first 256 bytes even of huge files in hexadecimal format. The current version adds several buttons for configuration.

MPlayer-GUI V1.2
MPlayer-GUI by Daniel Westerberg is a graphic user interface for the video player MPlayer for AmigaOS4 (ReAction) or MorphOS (68k/MUI). The 68k version got only minor changes, while there is now a ReAction based OS4 native version (screenshot). (snx) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 09. Feb. 2005, 07:59] [Comments: 0]
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