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Bjorn Lynne (e-mail)

New audio CD by Gustaf "Lizardking" Grefberg
Those who were following the Amiga and PC demo scene in the last years know the great musician Gustaf Grefberg who had worked in the scene as "Lizardking". Now Grefberg is back with a new audio CD and a new pseudonym: as artist "Xain" does the Swedish present his album "Born in the Stars". The CD contains new remixes of his most famous demo scene tracks like Claustrophobia or Doskpop as well as brand new material of the same style. "Born in the Stars" offers 68 minutes of pure upbeat, melodic synthi pop and dance/trance music.

Track list:
  1. Quantum Leap
  2. Ghosthouse (Fright version)
  3. Claustrophobia (Open Fields version)
  4. The Hunter (Remix)
  5. Flight of Xain
  6. Born in the Stars
  7. Machineworld II
  8. Space Diablo (Space Angel version)
  9. The Resurrection (Remix)
  10. DOSK (Xain version)
  11. Xain and the Droid Invasion
  12. Space Diablo (Extended Diabolic version)
  13. Open Fields (Ambient version)
(nba) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 05. Feb. 2005, 22:28] [Comments: 0]
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