amigafuture.de (website)
Web browser: AWeb APL Lite 3.5 beta release 5
In the new beta version of "AWeb APL Lite" were numerous bugs removed, details can be taken from the changelogs of the OS3 respectively the OS4 version.
AmigaOS 3: aweb3.5.05b68k_20050125.lha (1.9 MB)
AmigaOS 4: aweb3.5.05bos4_20050125.lha (2.6 MB)
MorphOS: AWeb_3.5.05_MorphOS.tar.bz2.tar (1.5 MB)
(cg) (Translation: wk)
[News message: 05. Feb. 2005, 20:33] [Comments: 0]
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