ANN (website)
NewGUI: Test Version 1.4.1 with Transparent Windows
A test version of NewGUI 1.4.1 for AmigaOS 3.x and CyberGraphX 3+ with a few bugfixes and new functions like transparent windows is available for download under the title link. Here are screenshots. NewGUI also runs under the 68k emulation of MorphOS.
With regard to the transparency, it's not a true transparency - a new layers.library would be necessary for that. The background is not updated. Nevertheless the transparency effect requires a lot of processor performance, but according to the author's message the time for the calculation of the background has been reduced to acceptable levels on a 68040.
The Pyramids demo requires at least a 16 bit display. The author welcomes comments and suggestions for improvement. (snx) (Translation: dm)
[News message: 25. Nov. 2004, 12:52] [Comments: 0]
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