Genesi: A statement concerning MorphOS
The current MorphOS release is owned by the shareholders of Genesi and is
being distributed today in a form fully licensed and paid for. Genesi
will resume support of external MorphOS 1.5 development when there is
a clear plan and a date set for the release.
The posts against Genesi made on MorphOS.net are unfortunate. These
actions of a single person have damaged our discussions with major
strategic partners and have cast doubt on Genesi and MorphOS.
There has never been any disagreement about paying for development, in
fact more than $500,000 have been paid to MorphOS developers and for
MorphOS licenses. There has been disagreement however, how much and for what to pay for.
MorphOS does not currently drive significant sales of the platform. It
is our hope that one day it will, but this will not be achieved
without the majority of the Company's resources being focused on
activities that generate revenue and profit.
Genesi has become a partner/sponsor of the Debian, Gentoo and Crux Linux developer
communities. Genesi is also enrolled in the official board
support/partner programs of Yellow Dog Linux, Montavista and QNX Software Systems. It is in these areas that Genesi is now focused.
24th November 2004
bbrv@genesi.lu (snx)
[News message: 24. Nov. 2004, 19:32] [Comments: 0]
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