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Bjorn Lynne (E-Mail)

Music: "Statement" by Bjorn Lynne
With 14 tracks the Norwegian musician Bjorn Lynne has filled his new audio-CD "Statement" and there walks through diverse styles of music like Chill-out, Pop-Synth, jazzy Groove and soundtracks of classic games. The music reminds of the time when Bjorn Lynne as Dr. Awesome created the sounds for Amiga diskmags and games like Alien Breed 3D or Worms D.C.

Track list:
  1. Kikki
  2. Simplicity
  3. The Giant
  4. Between Friends
  5. Please Me
  6. In Good Company
  7. Nitro Glycerine
  8. Lounge Living
  9. All You
  10. The Jungle Trail
  11. Still Motions
  12. Soundstreamz
  13. Understatement
  14. Bonus track: Soundstreamz Instrumental
Two tracks called "Kikki" and "Understatement" have been uploaded to the website of ArtistLaunch where you can download it for free. Besides this on the homepage of LynneMusic a medley has been prepared where you can listen to a "summary" of the album which lasts five minutes. There you can also find further information, the cover artwork and all kinds of ordering. (nba) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 12. Mar. 2004, 04:32] [Comments: 0]
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