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Aminet (Website)

Aminet Uploads till March 12th, 2004
Here are the new Aminet uploads since our last message:
microgolded.lha      biz/demo   528K+Simple but powerful editor (30-day trial
ExecuteInShell.lha   biz/dopus   19K+(1.1) ExecuteInShell Arexx script for DO
AmiDiction.lha       comm/tcp    31K+Online Dictionary
BabelDoc.lha         comm/tcp    37K+Translate docs or strings from one langu
idnpatch.0.1.lha     comm/tcp     8K+Patches your stack to use IDN domainname
ANR_run.lha          comm/www    13K+Allows you to start AminetRadio via AWeb
MakeHTMLMap.lha      comm/www   601K+Powerful (Web,HTML) Gallery-, Catalog-, 
jrm-j10v.lha         demo/sound 246K+DA JoRMaS: 10 Year Anniversary Party Inv
ferox_bar.lha        dev/gui      3K+Ferox-like ScrollBar for MorphOS
nocover120.lha       docs/mags  1.3M+Great german diskmagazine
TheCrypt31.lha       docs/mags  4.4M+Issue 31 of "The Crypt" online magazine
TheCrypt32.lha       docs/mags  8.3M+Issue 32 of "The Crypt" online magazine
TurboPrint_FR.lha    docs/misc    5K+French catalogs for TurboPrint 7
Liga2003-04.lha      game/data   29K+League update 2003-04 for SWOS game
TotalChaosAGA.lha    game/misc   34M+640x512 256 colors 50fps Magic & Monster
BoxWorld.lha         game/think 215K+Sokoban clone with many stages.
BF_MPEG2dec.lha      gfx/conv   321K+MPEG2 stream decoder and savers with ful
BF_MPEG2decPRO.lha   gfx/conv   336K+Very powerful MPEG2 video decoder with G
BF_MPEG2encPRO.lha   gfx/conv   115K+Very powerful MPEG2 video encoder with G
BF_MPLEXPRO.lha      gfx/conv    69K+Powerful MPEG2 stream multiplexer with G
BF_AnimMaker.lha     gfx/edit    64K+Vector animation program with full sourc
FlashMandelWOS.lha   gfx/fract  1.8M+The best Mandelbrot & Julia fractals ren
BF_KeyHook.lha       gfx/ifx    123K+ImagesFX Hook with full source
Crystal_Lattic.lha   gfx/misc   281K+Stereoscopic simulation of Bravais X-tal
StIco.lha            gfx/misc    69K+Stereoscopic simulation of Bravais X-tal
FlashPlayer.lha      gfx/show   453K+Flash (SWF) format file player v. 1.0
FlashPlayerSrc.lha   gfx/show   180K+Source Code for FlashPlayer v. 1.0
swfplayer.lha        gfx/show   348K+Standalone player for Amiga (v1.3) 68k+W
ArakAttack.lha       hard/drivr 286K+V0.98 USB Driver for Amithlon & OpenPCI
mdisk363.lha         hard/drivr  16K+Catweasel MK3 PCI driver using openpci.l
acvt.lha             misc/emu    81K+Converts between XFD-SCP-ATR-DCM-DI form
AmithlonUpdate.lha   misc/emu   1.6M+V1.29 Amithlon Update
imdbDiff040220.lha   misc/imdb  3.0M+Diffs for the Internet MovieDatabase
summer-moods.lha     mods/blkha 197K+Techno PT mod by blakkhar
Limes_Napoleon.lha   mods/cust  174K+Custom module from "Limes & Napoleon"
dajormas10year.lha   mods/jorma 212K+DA JoRMaS 10 Years by dA JoRMaS (from 10
jay2004.lzh          mods/misc  128K+Jay's Song Prog-Rock style (Sonix SMUS)
AmySequencer.lha     mus/edit   241K+MIDI sequencer for the AMIGA
EP_DaglishSID.lha    mus/play     7K+EaglePlayer 'Benn Daglish SID' external 
SongPlayer-mor.lha   mus/play   589K+Cool and powerful audio player V1.62 (68
VirgolaMIME.lha      pix/icon   397K+MIME icons in glowicon style by Virgola
VirgolaWB.lha        pix/icon   739K+WB settings inspireb by the upcoming OS4
selectorLooks.lha    pix/illu    73K+Shows how different Selector9.2 can look
obligement-43.jpg    pix/misc    44K+Obligement's cover n 43
Workbench3.9.jpg     pix/wb     396K+Screenshot of emulated Amiga on PowerBoo
MakeGuide3.lha       text/hyper  48K+Create a guide from several small files
selector92.lha       util/batch 351K+Unique script language / launching tool
Loadertune.lha       util/boot   69K+Nice boot song, for Algor/Romulus flashr
mcx256.lha           util/cdity  36K+MultiCX Commodity v2.56 Shareware versio
SRename.lha          util/cli   106K+Advanced rename utility. Version 3.8.1
HotFavBook.lzh       util/conv   22K+Convert Windows favorites to IBrowse-hot
BF_RegEdit.lha       util/misc   15K+A small toy for ENV/ENVARC editing with 
(nba) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 12. Mar. 2004, 01:56] [Comments: 0]
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