Martin Heine
Pictures from Amiga Show in Maarssen, NL
Martin Heine was nice enough to provide us with some meaningful
pictures from the
Amiga Show which took place
yesterday in Maarssen in Holland.
The photos were taken by Ron van Herk.
The event was well attended with more than 100 visitors. Genesi presented the
Video Microwave, the prototype of an STB case already known from the CeBIT and
of course the Pegasos with MorphOS in action. On four Pegasos computers as well
as an Debian equipped AmigaOne the visitors could form their own impression of
the current state of the two systems. Furthermore beta versions of Bars'n'Pipes
and FotoFoto for MorphOS were shown. The possibility to buy Pegasos boards at
the ComputerCity stall was also made use of. Furthermore the Access was shown
as well as Amiga merchandising goods such as the game "Amiopoly", Amiga antenna
balls for cars and mugs and T-Shirts from the OS4 tour.
 MorphOS |
 Access |
 Amiopoly |
 Antennenball |
 BNP |
 CGG |
 Microwave STB |
 A1 Debian |
 Tower |
 OS4 T-Shirt |
 Pegasos |
 Raum |
 Raum 2 |
 Raum 3 |
 OS4 Tasse |
(ps) (Translation: cb)
[News message: 29. Jun. 2003, 00:42] [Comments: 0]
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