Kultpower.de (ANF)
Kultpower: New reviews and cover scans
Today Kultpower.de has received some updates:
74 (in words: seventyfour) new covers of the magazine PC Joker! A big thankyou
to Evil who scanned and sent in the covers! Btw, all are featuring the editorial.
New PowerPlay reviews from Powerplay 5/88, scanned by sys:
Ebonstar (Amiga), Io (C64), Ooze (Atari ST), Pandora (C64).
New ASM reviews from ASM 7/88, scanned by Ralf: Impossible Mission (Atari ST, C64),
IO (C64), Karnov (C64, Spektrum (reviewed), Schneider), Target (C64 (reviewed),
Spektrum, Schneider), Tube Runner (C16/116/Plus4).
Thanks to all helpers!
(ps) (Translation: cb)
[News message: 29. Jun. 2003, 00:42] [Comments: 0]
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