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Cyborg (ANF)

Software: AntiSPAM 2 now with 70% hit rate (update)
AntiSPAM 2 is finished: the new version of the spam killer works on a new basis and reaches now a dramatically improved hit rate of measured 70%.

Features of AntiSPAM 2 (excerpt):
  1. It analyses spams by the frequency of words.
  2. It needs no remote filters.
  3. It is much easier to install.
  4. It works parallel with YAM and doesn't block it anymore.
  5. It also works offline or in conjunction with other clients.
  6. It has a white list to prevent unwanted deleting.
  7. A manual finetuning is possible.

Now a thankyou from the developer to all who participated in AntiSpam 1 as this is what AntiSpam 2 just made possible. Thanks for the 3500 spams! :) (nba)

The download link has been corrected in the meantime and should now work. (ps) (Translation: wk)

[News message: 21. Jun. 2003, 12:52] [Comments: 0]
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