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Michael Battilana (E-Mail)

Fair: News to the Amiga Alpe Adria 2003 on 05.07.2003
As we have already reported the fair A3 (Amiga Alpe Adria 2003) will take place on 5th of July 2003 in Udine, Italy. On the website you will find all necessary information such as the program, overnight accomodations, music festivals and concerts. It is described very detailed.

Tomorrow will be the last day where you can book a so called cheap fly. You can find further information on the website.

Here is the orirginal message:
Tomorrow is the last day to take advantage of some great 14-day advance airline tickets. Have a look at the airline information, but also the concerts ("Cultural Events"), the sightseeing and the food. Then we are likely to have an unexpected meeting of demo coders with some new presentations, and lots of people from different countries (even two different registered guests who did not know of each other coming from... Australia!). (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 20. Jun. 2003, 16:44] [Comments: 0]
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