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MorphZone (ANF)

MorphZone with polyglot forum
Now open: International House of Chatter, the MorphZone multi-lingual forum. Initially, two languages are supported, German and French. Welcome to MorphZone! (Note: This is in addition to the default English forums.)

Maintenant ouvert: Un nouveau lieu incontournable pour discuter, le forum multilingue de Morphzone.. Initialement 2 langues sont disponibles, Français et Allemand. Bienvenue sur MorphZone!

MorphZone is a new web-portal dedicated to MorphOS users, including those running MorphOS on their PPC Amiga systems. MorphZone is also home to the MWD, the Morph Web Directory. (ps) (Translation: dr)

[News message: 04. Apr. 2003, 00:01] [Comments: 0]
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