Jens Schönfeld (ANF)
Sound card: Delfina introduced successfully
The new soundcard Delfina by Individual Computers was introduced
successfully last weekend at
the AmiGBG show in Gothenburg, Sweden. Meanwhile, all important
European dealers have been supplied, so the anticipated delivery
date of April 7th can be kept without problems.
The module that is available now is ready to be used on nearly any Amiga.
The included 22-pin cable for the A1200 clockport can also be used
to connect to an X-Surf Ethernet card in a "bigbox" Amiga.
Probably the most important reason to buy this card is the DSP, the
digital signal processor. For example it allows playing back MP3
nearly without CPU load. MP3 is a popular audio format that is also
used by artists to put demos on the Internet. Free music samples and
full titles are available on sites like
With the Delfina, an Amiga can
playback MP3 even without an accelerator in the best possible quality.
[News message: 03. Apr. 2003, 22:38] [Comments: 1 - 05. Apr. 2003, 13:04]
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