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Hardware: IBMs PowerPC 970 & Mai Logic Northbridges
In the December PowerPC newsletter, IBM has announced some news about the PowerPC 970.

According to it, the 'Power4' Server CPU's desktop descendant is to come with a vector unit which is compatible to Motorola's PowerPC 74xx's (PowerPC G4) AltiVec unit.

Among further features of the up to 1.8 GHz clockable Power PC 970 is the up to 900MHz fast processor interface which facilitates transfer rates of up to 6.4 GByte to the Northbridge.

Furthermore, the 64bit PowerPC 970 is said to also execute 32bit applications on the same performance level and in native mode. 32bit operating systems should be able to utilise the full performance of the PowerPC 970 CPU's 32bit mode with only small updates.

The first samples should be shipped to developers in the 2nd quarter of 2003.

Articia Northbridges:
The Articia-Northbridge's next generations are to be shipped to developers in the 1st quarter of 2003 (the 'Articia S' used in AmigaOne and Pegasos has been listed for comparison):

Articia S : 133 MHz Prozessorbus, 133 MHz SDRam, 2xAGP, 32-Bit PCI
Articia Sa: 166 MHz Prozessorbus, 333 MHz DDR-SDRam, 2xAGP, 64-Bit PCIX
Articia P: 166 MHz Prozessorbus, 333 MHz DDR-SDRam, 4xAGP, 64-Bit PCIX
(sd) (Translation: cb)

[News message: 15. Dec. 2002, 14:45] [Comments: 0]
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