Halvadjian Georges (ANF)
Paint program: PerfectPaint V2.9
On 15th December 2002, Halvadjian Georges has released version 2.9 of the paint
program 'PerfectPaint'. Changes compared to the previous version as follows:
- New paint effect: TV-Lace including ARexx command.
- Improved text functions:
- PerfectPaint now supports TrueType character sets with the help of ttengine.library.
- Two new buttons:
- 'Select Character': Useful for Dingbats character sets (symbols).
- 'Font-Path-History'
- The Requester menu has two additional entries: 'Upper text' and 'Lower text'
- Small update of 'Lensflare' script.
- New, asynchroneous window: Undo/Redo. With this you can jump from one step of a picture to another.
- Some bug fixes.
- 'Size Presets' have been added to 'New' and 'Scale page' requesters.
- AutoCrop (including 'crop' requester).
- PerfectPaint automatically recognises:
- PGM pictures and loads these.
- Postscript (PS) and PDF files and tries to load them with the help of GhostScript (Postscript/PDF viewer).
- Improved text effect 'Azzaro'.
- Two new text effects: 'Water' and 'River'.
- Imporved window history.
- Bug fix in connection with the Picbrush tool and very large pictures.
- 5 new tooltypes:
On some computers the startup or screenmode requesters isn't opened for unknown reasons.
With this you can still apply your settings.
- CYBERGRAPHX: Forces PerfectPaint to recognise CybergraphX.
- Border&Edge limited to 24bit pictures.
- Improved 'Compose' requester.
- New entry in Picture menu: 'Crop & Paste'.
- Improved 'Adjust levels', now with adjustable tolerance.
PerfectPaint runs from 68030 + FPU, AmigaOS V3.0, Gfx card (Cybergraphx from V41 R71 or Picasso96)
and requires the following libraries: Render.library, Jpeg.library, XPKmaster.library,
AsyncIO.library as well as ttengine.library.
Download links for these libraries are available through the title link on the program's home page.
Download: PfPaint_V29.lha
(sd) (Translation: cb)
[News message: 15. Dec. 2002, 14:30] [Comments: 0]
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