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Chaos Computer Club (CCC)

CCC: Website of the 19th Chaos Communication Congress is Online
The website of 19C3 (19th Chaos Communication Congress) is online. There is where you'll find all the important advance information about this year's congress, which takes place from the 27th to the 29th of December in "Haus Am Köllnischen Park (HAKP)" in Berlin. The entrance fee for one day for non-members is 20 euros, for a multiday pass it's 40 euros. There are discounts offered if a valid student ID is presented and children under the age of 12 enter costlessly, when accompanied by an adult.

The Chaos Communication Congress is a three day event about Technology, Society, and Utopia. The Congress offers performances and workshops on a variety of topics having to do with Information Technology, computer security, Internet, Cryptography, and the critical creative intersection with technology, as well as the effects of technological development on society.

The Chaos Communication Congress is the yearly specialty congress of the Chaos Computer Club e.V. (CCC). The congress takes place this year for the 19th time and has its origins in the "European Hacker Party" of 1984.

The congress is not only for techno freaks, but also for anyone interested in the utilizations and effects. Near the conference program there are other elements of the congress such as the Art&Beauty project, the Labor, the Chaos Archive, the Hack Center and the 6th German championship in lock picking. (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 12. Dec. 2002, 12:05] [Comments: 0]
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