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Carsten Siegner (ANF)

Test Program MpegMasterPlayer (made with Hollywood)
Here comes a test program named MpegMasterPlayer (downloadable under the title link), which was put together with Hollywood. It's really a player built on mpega. Further, I would like to state that this player and a few other programs originated only with this Amiga editor, because the scripting language of Hollywood is very simple.

Attention: the archive includes only executables (no script data). Because of this you can't examine the program code. In order to modify the program code, you'll need the complete Hollywood pack. Additionally the three most important libraries are in the archive, and these are needed to run the executables. Because the player currently only supports Amithlon's Soundblaster 128, you won't hear any music on a normal Amiga (so this should be seen as only a demo of what is possible with Hollywood). (ps) (Translation: dm)

[News message: 12. Dec. 2002, 00:42] [Comments: 0]
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