DCR8520 Amigaports
DCR8520: updated Amiga ports
The Spanish Diego CR 'dcr8520' has updated his website at SourceForge with many
of his Amiga ports. You can find there a lot of small tools that ease the daily
work with many applications.
The following ports were updated:
- 17. June 2002 fags v0.2.2devel3
- 14. June 2002 muhstik v3.9.5
- 14. June 2002 Anubis v3.1.0
- 14. June 2002 cURL v7.9.8
- 14. June 2002 dsbl v0.9.4
- 14. June 2002 neoBOPM v1.1
- 14. June 2002 speex v0.3.0
(ps) (Translation: wk)
[News message: 22. Jun. 2002, 17:29] [Comments: 0]
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