HSMathLibs version 44.50 beta 2 and 8
Matthias Henze has released new versions (V.44.50 beta 2 for MC68881/82
and V.44.50 beta 8 for MC68040 and MC68060) of the HSMathLibs.
These versions are for beta testers only.
The "HSMathLibs" replace the libraries "mathieeedoubbas.library",
"mathieeedoubtrans.library", "mathieeesingtrans.libray" and
"mathtrans.library" and patch or replace the libraries "mathffp.library" and
"mathieeesingbas.libray" by CPU/FPU optimised versions for MC68881/82, MC68040
or MC68060.
The "HSMathLibs" are written completely in assembler to reach a maximum of speed.
(ps) (Translation: wk)
[News message: 22. Jun. 2002, 17:16] [Comments: 0]
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