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Felix Schwarz (ANF)

VHI-drivers for USB-digicams and USB-webcams
We are very happy to announce that VHI-drivers for USB-digicams and USB-webcams will soon be available.

It will soon be possible to also use more recent cameras with VHI Studio and benefit from all its advantages. In contrast to a USB-card reader VHI Studio communicates directly with the camera via the VHI driver. This opens up completly new possibilities to the user, making it possible to create timelapse-animations, use the digital camera as a webcam, make changes to internal settings via a comfortable user interface, correct pictures using its correction-tools or just creating a quick overview of the pictures in the camera.

Supported USB-webcams will be handled like a videoboard in VHI Studio.

In the last few weeks we´ve extended the VHI-standard and made the required changes to VHI Studio to support USB. As the development of at least two API-incompatible USB-stacks (Poseidon by Chris Hodges (for Highway/Subway, MorphOS, maybe Amithlon) and the USB Stack contained in AmigaOS 4.0) on the AMIGA-market is forseeable, we furthermore have created a stack-independant layer (called IOUSB) between the driver and the respective USB-stack that will ensure support for the different systems.

Thanks to a close cooperation with E3B (hardware of Highway/Subway) and Chris Hodges (author of Poseidon) the support for Poseidon is already complete. Support for AmigaOS 4.0 and its stack will be added when the development of AmigaOS 4.0 has completed. We´re already in contact with the AmigaOS 4.0-developerteam, so that adapted drivers should be available from us for the release of AmigaOS 4.0.

The first driver, which will support the KodakŪ-Digicams DC 240, DC 280, DC 3400 and DC 5000, currently undergoes final betatests with Poseidon.

Development of drivers for other devices will depend on the demands of the market. We therefore have created a little poll and would appreciate a high number of participants.

To the poll (ps)

[News message: 24. Apr. 2002, 11:56] [Comments: 0]
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