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AFUA: French Amiga usergroup has been visiting Thendic (Update)
Bertrand Presles, president of the French usergroup AFUA (Association Française des Utilisateurs d'Amiga) has been visiting Thendic in Paris on April, the 23rd 2002 and was talking with Bill Buck, Rakesh and Sharwin (Coyote Flux) and several other employees about MorphOS, Pegasos and the other products distributed by Thendic. Some pictures, a movie and an English report are to find following the title link, of course that one is also available in French.

Thendic is the company, that will distribute BPlan´s Pegasos board; further information you might find with our interview which is available in German and English.

Because the server of AFUA wasn´t capable of the run on it Bertrand Presles, the president, has permitted to set up a mirror for the relevant pages and to translate the report to German (which still has to be done).

Thendic-France Report
Author: Bertrand Presles

In the 23rd of April 2002 i go to Thendic-France where i could meet Bill Buck, the famous Coyote Flux guys and the others employees of this company. I've also seen the Pegasos working under MorphOS. You should note that the MorphOS version i have seen is a development version, that means that there is debug output every second that slow down the computer and so the performances i could see weren't as good as they should be with the final version of the Pegasos.

I could talk about lot of things with Bill and the Coyote Flux, i've particularly learn that the Eclipsis project will consist of a handheld computer which will use a PowerPC processor and run under MorphOS. It will have an amazing graphic chip which can be compared to something like the Copper but a lot better ;). It'll also feature AGA emulation and so will be able to run existing AGA Amiga softwares. The goal of this project is to offer an handheld computer which has capacities close to a desktop computer and allowing to use the same applications as you can run on the Pegasos. But don't expect to see an Eclipsis before 2003.

I've also have the luck to admire the other products distributed by Thendic-France like the ComCams which are wireless cameras (802.11b) very easy to install and use. I've also seen a Tri-Cam which is a black box which content three video cameras allowing to see the globality of a room. The big advantage is that this box don't look like a camera but more like an alarm and can easily not be noticed. This box is also wireless.

Finally, i've seen the CashBoys which are devices for credit card payment and also bar code readers.

Concerning the Pegasos, i could see the capacities of this marvelous computer thanks to some demos on CandyFactory Pro and Softcinema. And i've to admit that, despite the debugging outputs, it runs pretty well. You can see a video of Matrix (Divx) below but notice that the little stops every seconds are due to the debugging log that it sent to the serial port every second so the effective speed that we can expect in the final version of the Pegasos can be constated between this debug seconds ;)

Personally, i'll definitely buy a Pegasos when it'll be available ;)

The photo below show the front side of the Thendic's Pegasos. This is a well designed standard ATX tower.

Pegasos Front

Below you can see the non customized Workbench running on the Pegasos. Obviously this is the Workbench as you know it, so it is as customable as a normal Workbench and the final version of MorphOS will have lot of parts of the GUI running natively and with some new cool stuffs.

MorphOS Workbench

The picture below is a screenshot of Quake 2 Beta running on a Voodoo3 on an Amiga 4000. This game run perfectly well and show that we can expect all the game we want in the future on the Pegasos (Of course for games that will be available ;) )

Quake 2

The picture below show a global view of the Amiga part of the company. We can see Bill, Sharwin and Rakesh. Notice also the impressive number of Amigas ;-)

Global view

Below it's a picture of the back of the Pegasos. We can notice that it fits perfectly on an ATX tower and we can recognise the impressive standard connectivities included by default.

Pegasos Back

Finaly you can watch a little movie showing Matrix running on SoftCinema on MorphOS (You can download it and see it with Action, Moovid or SoftCinema).

Matrix on Pegasos

I'd like to thanks Bill, Sharwin, Rakesh, Thierry, Eric and the others for their welcome, their adhesion to the AFUA and for their cool little presents ;) (ps) (Translation: ub)

[News message: 24. Apr. 2002, 10:07] [Comments: 0]
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