Amiga Future
HTML tool: HSC V0.923
On 22 March 2002 Matthias Bethke released version 0.923 of the HTML preprocessor
'HSC' ('HTML Sucks Completely'). This update contains some fixes related to
- LOWERCASETAGS/XHTML now also applies to ENUM attribute strings
- XHTML now implies QUOTESTYLE=double
- removed some unused debug code
This version is only available as a source code release. It should be possible
to compile the source code on all systems, which have been supported so far
(tested with SuSE Linux V7.3 and HP/UX V10.20).
The archive also includes the latest prefs and macro files.
Download: hsc-0.923-src.tar.bz2 (377K)
(sd) (Translation: sr)
[News message: 24. Mar. 2002, 19:52] [Comments: 0]
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