Logain (ANF)
Netscape for AmigaDE in the works
Logain wrote:
While searching through the Mozilla site I came across two interesting pages.
The first one can be reached via the title link and is the page of the AmigaDE port of
Mozilla that is developed by James Russell. The project is in a very early state
and he is still looking for strong support.
The other one's here, the site about the new "revolutionary"
browser engine of Netscape that is said to have a platform independant architecture
and is the main part of Netscape 6.1. As possible platform for a port they
mention, next to several Unix systems, BeOS and OS2/Warp, the Amiga.
(ps) (Translation: wk)
[News message: 15. Dec. 2001, 14:17] [Comments: 0]
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