Olaf Köbnik
Amiga Arena: Full version of 'Bürgermeister V2.78'
Amiga Arena - "Bürgermeister v2.78" full version
In co-operation with Steffen Nitz the Amiga Arena makes exclusively the download
of the full version of the economy simulation "Bürgermeister v2.78"
available. The goal of the game is to reach as many points as possible within 10, 25
or 50 years or to become the capital city. It's a registered full version
exclusively for the Amiga Arena.
Steffen Nitz has ceased the development as the source code got unfortunately lost.
Amiga Arena - interview campaign
Amiga Arena talked with Steffen Nitz, the developer of "Bürgermeister II",
"CMLV II" and "Regist II" about his software products and about the possibility
of new developments in the future. (ps) (Translation: wk)
[News message: 15. Dec. 2001, 14:13] [Comments: 0]
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