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Tao Group

Tao Group: Tao Strengthens Wireless Java
Reading, England, September 27, 2001 -- Tao Group today announces it has acquired additional intellectual property software rights from ASCII Corporation in Japan to further strengthen its 'intent JavaTM Technology Edition' software suite.

The Tao Java product, compliant with industry standards and Sun Microsystems-branded, has been developed over five years and is already being installed into an array of products including digital cameras, phones, pda's, digital televisions, set top boxes, personal computers and web tablets. The various specifications supported by the intent JTE are compact and robust, and run real world content many times faster than any alternative.

Dr. Paddy Byers, Chief Technology Officer of Tao said: "Emphasis on the development of Tao's product has always been on enabling Java technology-based services that the operators and manufacturers must be able to deliver to the consumer to support their economic models. The agreement with ASCII makes our story stronger than ever."

Francis Charig, Tao's Chairman, commented: "This is an excellent acquisition for Tao as we consolidate the technology on the intent media stack for both wireless and wired devices. Our Java product is part of a comprehensive multimedia, language independent solution which is uniquely helping companies take compelling and differentiated products to market both quickly and at low cost."

The conclusion of the ASCII Agreement is the first of several key announcements by Tao in the wireless space over the coming months.
The complete press release can be found following the title link. (ps)

[News message: 29. Sep. 2001, 01:31] [Comments: 0]
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